Environmental conservation, education and access

Help us conserve, enhance and protect the distinctive landscape, wildlife and history of
The Greensand Ridge and wider area.

  • Greensand Country
  • Rushmere Country Park
  • Working Woodlands Centre

Follow the Countryside Code

If you enjoy spending time outdoors in the countryside green spaces we look after, we need your help to help us keep them safe and enjoyable by following the Countryside Code.


Author: Carolyn Londer-Ward

Support us

Clophill Lakes Appeal

Donations made to this appeal will be matched by The Peter Smith Charitable Trust so donate now! Please help us ensure we can protect and establish new nature reserve Clophill Lakes as a high quality haven for nature.


Author: Carolyn Londer-Ward

Target amount: £295,000.00

Amount raised: £211,458.66


Tree Sponsorship

You can sponsor one of the avenue of trees that line our entrance drive at Rushmere Country Park - a perfect way to commemorate a loved one.


Author: Carolyn Londer-Ward

Greensand Country map

Greensand Country is full of great places to visit and things to do and see. Whether you want to go mountain biking or walk the dog you'll find it all here.



What's on

  • Nature Rubbing Trail in Oakwood

    For the Summer Holidays 2024 - we've added new rubbing plaques to our Nature Rubbing Trail around the Oak Wood Sculpture Trail area, replacing the ones that were there previously, so give it a go! Read more

  • Heathland Highlights

    To celebrate Heathland Awareness Week join us on a guided walk to Rammamere Heath to take a closer look at this rare and fascinating habitat led Bob Hook, wildlife expert and Greensand Trust ranger. Read more

  • Into the Wood and onto the Heath

    Join us on an adventure that will take you into the woods and onto the heath - a family walk through Maulden Wood to find secrets on the heath.  Read more

What's new