Information for Booking a Visit First please contact us to discuss suitable activities, dates, times, and venue. Once details have been arranged, we’ll send you a booking form which must be completed and returned to confirm your visit. Please contact us to discuss your requirements by email: [email protected] School - visits can be either a full day 10am to 2.30pm or half day session mornings 10am -12 afternoon 12.30pm to 2.30pm. Groups - visits are typically up to 2 hours duration. Charges for Educational Visits Full day: £8.50 per child/student Half day/up to 2 hours: £5.50 per child/student There is no charge for teachers or adult leaders accompanying the group. For small group sizes minimum charges apply: Full day: £130 per group Half day/up to 2 hours: £80 per group The Greensand Trust will provide one member of staff per class/group. Additional staff leaders may be requested by arrangement and incur additional charges. Please ensure that there are enough adults to supervise your group. The recommended ratio of adults to children on field visits is as follows: Up to 5 years (Early Years) 1:3 6 to 8 years (Years 1 to 3) 1:6 9 to 11 years (Years 4 to 6) 1 + 1:10 11 to 18 years (Years 7 to 13) 1 + 1:15 The Greensand Trust will invoice following the visit. Please let us know who the invoice should be addressed to and order number if required. Greensand Trust Terms and Conditions Manage Cookie Preferences