Get involved Donate We need your support! Donate Fundraise We need your help to continue our valuable environmental work, conserving, protecting and enhancing green spaces along The Greensand Ridge and surrounding area to benefit local people and wildlife. We receive no core funding and rely on your donations for our work. If you've enjoyed your visit to Rushmere County Park or one of the many local sites we help to look after, please consider a donation to help support our work. How your donations will help us Here are just a few of the areas where we need your help: increased costs for safety measures, maintenance, cleaning and catering increased waste management costs supporting our Ranger Service to look after our sites - wildlife conservation and safety maintaining and improving cycling trails improving visitor facilities on our sites supporting our education team and their work with local schools and groups supporting our volunteers for conservation tasks, Visitor Services and Heron Watch What if you'd rather not donate online? We understand some people prefer more traditional methods - you can send a cheque made out to The Greensand Trust to our head office at The Working Woodlands Cenrtre, Maulden Wood, Haynes West End, Beds MK45 3UZ and if you wish to Gift Aid your donation you can download and enclose this form with you cheque. Please select a donation amount (required) £5 £10 £20 Other Set up a regular payment Donate Take a look at our fundraising appeals for specific projects If you wish to support a particular appeal please click here - our most recent appeal is to raise funds for a new nature reserve at Clophill and we would greatly appreciate your help! Manage Cookie Preferences