Clophill LakesThe Greensand Trust wishes to establish a Nature Reserve, enabling otters, sand martins and colourful dragonflies in the wetlands, to skylarks and wildflowers in the grassland areas. We will also provide public access in a sensitive and sustainable manner which conserves and enhances these emerging habitats, whilst enabling visitors to share in the benefits this very special environment provides. Please help us achieve this by supporting our Clophill Lakes Appeal About Clophill Lakes Latest news Events Appeal Discover the Greensand Ridge Our sites Clophill Lakes Nature Reserve Coming soon: Clophill Lakes - a new nature reserve for benefit of wildlife and local communities with public access as soon as possible. During the development stage the site is strictly closed to the general public, it is imperative for safety and for the ecology of the site that there is no access until we officially open. We have signage at potential access points into the site which state there is no public access and giving our emergency contact numbers. If you wish to report any concerns, please contact The Greensand Trust on 01234 743666 or, out of hours please contact Arena Security (Freephone) 0800 389 1494. The Vision for Clophill Lakes The Greensand Trust is committed to establishing Clophill Lakes as a new nature reserve in the heart of the Flit Valley between Clophill and Chicksands. Our vision is to conserve and enhance its natural beauty, wildlife and heritage whilst providing sensitive sustainable access and promoting understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the Greensand Country area to its local communities and the wider public. Our key objectives: • To establish and maintain Clophill Lakes in a manner which celebrates the natural environment and unique landscape of the Flit Valley, enabling it to fit the needs of a wider changing environment, population growth, climate change and habitat loss elsewhere• To protect and enhance its special qualities, tranquil landscape, beautiful views, historic and cultural heritage, wildlife rich lakes, river corridor and associated floodplain habitat• To provide a safe and attractive outdoor space for local people, incorporating improved access round the lakes• To raise awareness of the interest and importance of the site and provide opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to explore and engage with the site in a sensitive manner• To facilitate the use of the reserve as an educational and research resource and to promote appropriate interpretation• To develop sustainable revenues, partnership working, community involvement and fundraising to implement the objectives and actions of the management plan How long will the development take and when can I access it? Following the Development Phase, The Greensand Trust expects to be able to open the site formanaged public access in 2024, once the majority of the establishment works are safely completedto the Local Authority’s satisfaction. Until then the site must remain closed, in order to ensure publicsafety and to protect the site’s wildlife and heritage. So we ask for your continued patience, as it isessential that we are able to complete works to make the site safe and support access and minimisethe disturbance to sensitive habitats. How can people support the development of the park? The Greensand Trust has launched a Clophill Lakes Nature Reserve Appeal so grant providers,local businesses and the public can support us in creating what will be a cherished site for the area.You can also register your interest in being involved in this project in the future. When the time isright, further along the line in the development of the site, there will be opportunities for volunteersto assist us. Clophill Lakes is being secured due to a successful hybrid planning application(CB/16/05127) via the support of L&Q Estates & Hayfield. Download our Community Leaflet delivered to homes in Clophill here See our proposals for management of the site here Manage Cookie Preferences