
Education visits are available as full day and half or part of a day sessions.  A completed booking form must be received by the Education Team to secure the visit.

Prices are available on request.

There is no charge for the adults assisting the group as part of the visit; please note minimum charges may apply. 

The Greensand Trust (GST) will invoice the school/group following the visit.  Please provide a named staff member or contact and an address for the invoice, and order number if appropriate on the initial booking form. Invoices must be paid within 30 days.

Health and Safety

It is the intention of the Trust to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of visitors to Trust sites and facilities.  The Trust will, so far as is reasonably practicable, provide safe access and egress for individuals, and ensure sites, premises, equipment, and substances provided for their use are safe and without risk to health.

The Greensand Trust staff will engage with teachers/group leaders organising visits to ensure activities are planned carefully to ensure there is maximum protection for all involved at all times.  GST staff will outline general housekeeping issues, Health and Safety guidance, plans for activities, and responsibilities for teachers, helpers and participants prior to the start of any activity.

For the safety of everyone, staff members delivering sessions will undertake Covid testing when they feel unwell or exhibit symptoms. Please be aware that due to our current staffing structure and Trust policy, if staff test positive for COVID 19, your booking may have to be cancelled at short notice. We will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and will endeavour to rebook you as soon as possible.

Most of our sessions take place outside. Please ensure pupils are dressed accordingly.

Hand washing will be encouraged regularly, and hand sanitiser used at regular intervals.

GST staff leading visits will be aware of the relevant emergency procedures for the site/route, as highlighted on risk assessments.  This includes access for emergency and other vehicles should the need arise.

GST staff reserve the right to cancel the session/event if it is deemed unsafe.

(Full copies of the Trust’s policies are available from staff at any of our offices on request).

Dogs on our sites

Dogs may be present on sites we visit for educational activities. Although dog owners are generally very responsible regarding dog fouling and dog control issues, we cannot guarantee that your group will not come into contact with dogs at some stage. We take this into account in planning and also provide guidance and advice regarding pupils and group behaviour in the event of such contact.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments for site visits and activities will be provided with booking information.  Please read these carefully and notify GST staff of any issues identified to allow control measures to be implemented.

It is the responsibility of the lead teacher/group leader to provide GST staff with information about group members with any disabilities, medical or behavioural conditions (including asthma and hay-fever) which may affect their ability to carry out certain activities or access sites, or which may increase any risks to those individuals or to the whole group (this information will be treated in confidence at all times and according to our Data Protection Policy).

It is the responsibility of the group leader, not the GST staff, to decide whether the site and/or activity are suitable for the group and individuals to visit and/or take part in.

Advance site visits are strongly recommended.

Responsibilities of the School/Group

During an education visit (either a field trip or classroom session) responsibility for participants and their behaviour lies entirely with the teachers/group leaders/helpers and NOT with the Greensand Trust staff or site owners.   During accompanied sessions, Greensand Trust staff (with Greensand Trust volunteers on occasion) will lead the activities, teachers and helpers remain responsible and will be required to supervise, engage, and participate in order to support activities led by the Trust.

We reserve the right to end any session if behaviour causes safety issues or is offensive.

If participant behaviour is considered dangerous by GST staff or disruptive to the extent that the enjoyment or safety of other participants is compromised, staff or leaders will request the removal of the person/s responsible from the party.

It is the school/group’s responsibility to ensure that there are sufficient adult helpers with the group; that they are well briefed in advance and that they fully understand their responsibility and the health and safety issues involved.  GST staff members are not to be accounted for supervision in adult/pupil ratios.

Guidance on appropriate clothing (including footwear) will be provided on a pre visit or on request in advance. It is the school or group’s responsibility to ensure that all participants wear clothing suitable for the visit, weather conditions and activities and refer to the risk assessments provided (including, for example wearing long sleeved shirts and trousers for bug hunting).

On the day of your visit, it is your responsibility to ensure you arrive at the agreed start time. Please call your named contact ASAP if you are running late for traffic or other reasons. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure you receive a full service, you may not be able to participate in everything previously agreed.

Transport to and from the agreed visit site, along with parking at the destination site, is the responsibility of those booking/making the visit. Access and parking should be researched and evaluated in advance; access to some sites may be limited or challenging.

The Greensand Trust is committed to promoting good environmental practice and reducing waste and pollution. We encourage all visitors to our sites to reduce their lunch packaging if picnicking and help us by taking all litter home or back to school to dispose of responsibly, recycling wherever possible.


The Greensand Trust is indemnified in respect to all sums which the Trust may become legally liable to pay in respect of public liability and employer’s liability.  The current limit of the indemnity is £10,000,000 public liability and £10,000,000 employer’s liability. Policy details are available on request.

Schools and group leaders should check with their Local Education Authority or employer about their own health and safety requirements and insurance.Safeguarding

The Greensand Trust recognises the importance of involving children and young people in realising its objectives.  We recognise we have a responsibility to take all reasonable steps to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young or vulnerable people involved in our activities and projects.

We aim to do this by:

·     Adopting safeguarding guidelines through procedures and a code of conduct for staff and volunteers.

·     Sharing information about protection and good practice with our Trustees, staff and volunteers.

·     Carefully following the procedures for recruitment and selection of staff and volunteers.

·     Providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support and training.

·     Committing to review our policy and good practice at regular intervals.

Full copies of the Trust’s policies on Health and Safety, Data Protection and Safeguarding are available from staff at any of our offices on request.


Your feedback is essential to help our organisation offer a consistent, quality service.  It allows us to identify areas to improve and develop the service we offer in the future.  We ask that all customers complete and return an evaluation form to their contact member of staff, which will be provided on the day or as soon as possible following the visit.

In the event of a customer being dissatisfied with any aspect of service they have received from the Greensand Trust:

·     In the first instance, the issue raised on the evaluation form will be picked up by staff, discussed with the customer and an agreed plan of action made.

·     In the event of a complaint against a member of staff or regarding an issue not covered on the feedback form, customers are advised to contact the Greensand Trust Chief Executive, Gill Welham, on 01234 744590 or by email to [email protected] 

Please download your copy of The Greensand Education terms & conditions here