If you are booking on a Specialist Training Course organised by The Greensand Trust these Terms & Conditions apply.


In summary

  • Although all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the safety of people participating in our events, individuals do so at their own risk.
  • Our event leaders are trained and assessed to guide you safely. However, customers need to accept that there are risks involved in some events. Some events may be led by trained Greensand Trust volunteers.
  • All participants must abide by instructions issued by leaders, including health and safety instructions. Anyone failing to abide by these instructions may be asked to leave the event if, in the opinion of the leaders, their actions could jeopardise anyone in the group.
  • We reserve the right to alter or cancel an event if it is not safe to proceed. This is most likely in the event of extreme weather conditions.
  • We reserve the right to exclude participants if they are deemed by leaders not to be adequately prepared. Please check event details, which will state if suitable clothing is advised or required - particularly in relation to footwear and clothing. Please ensure you have enough drink for the type and duration of the activity.
  • We reserve the right to refuse participation if it is considered a person's conduct puts either themselves or others in danger.
  • We accept no responsibility for personal property that may be lost or damaged during the event.

Health and Safety

It is the intention of the Trust to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of visitors to Trust sites and facilities.  The Trust will, so far as is reasonably practicable, provide safe access and egress for individuals, and ensure sites, premises, equipment and substances provided for their use are safe and without risk to health.

Greensand Trust staff will outline general housekeeping issues, Health and Safety guidance, plans for activities, and responsibilities of everyone involved at the start of any activity.

Greensand Trust staff will be aware of the relevant emergency procedures for the site/route, as highlighted on risk assessments.  This includes access for emergency and other vehicles should the need arise.

Although all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the safety of people participating in our events, individuals do so at their own risk.

Full copies of the Trust’s policies on Health and Safety and Child Protection are available from staff at any of our offices on request.

Dogs on our sites

Dogs may be present on sites on which we host events. Although dog owners are generally very responsible regarding dog fouling and dog control issues we cannot guarantee that you will not come into contact with dogs at some stage. We take this into account in planning and can also provide guidance and advise behaviour in the event of such contact.

Please do not bring dogs to an event which states NO DOGs.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments for events will be carried out in advance and are available on request.

Please let us know in advance about any disabilities, medical or behavioural conditions which may affect participants ability to carry out certain activities or access sites, or which may increase any risks to those individuals or to the whole group (this information will be treated in confidence at all times and according to our Data Protection Policy).

It is the responsibility of parents or guardians, not the GST staff, to decide whether the site and/or activity are suitable for individuals to visit and/or take part in.

Responsibilities of participants, parents /guardians

Participant behaviour is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and NOT the Greensand Trust staff or site owners.   Greensand Trust staff (with Greensand Trust volunteers on occasion) will lead activities, but parents/guardians remain responsible and will be required to supervise, engage and participate in order to support activities led by the Trust.

We reserve the right to end any session if behaviour causes safety issues or is offensive.

If participant behaviour is considered dangerous by GST staff or disruptive to the extent that the enjoyment or safety of other participants is compromised, staff or leaders will request the removal of the person/s responsible from the party.

Guidance on appropriate clothing (including footwear) will be provided in advance. It is the parent/guardians responsibility to ensure that all participants wear clothing suitable for the visit, weather conditions and activities (including, for example wearing long sleeved shirts and trousers for bug hunting or walking boots for guided walks).

On the day of your visit, it is your responsibility to ensure you arrive at the agreed start time.

We accept no responsibility for personal property that may be lost or damaged during the event.


The Greensand Trust is indemnified in respect to all sums which the Trust may become legally liable to pay in respect of public liability and employer’s liability.  The current limit of the indemnity is £10,000,000 public liability and £10,000,000 employer’s liability. Policy details are available on request.

Child Protection

The Greensand Trust recognises the importance of involving children and young people in realising its objectives.  We recognise we have a responsibility to take all reasonable steps to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young or vulnerable people involved in our activities and projects.

We aim to do this by:

  • Adopting child and vulnerable adult protection guidelines through procedures and a code of conduct for staff and volunteers.
  • Sharing information about protection and good practice with our Trustees, staff and volunteers.
  • Carefully following the procedures for recruitment and selection of staff and volunteers.
  • Providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support and training.
  • Committing to review our policy and good practice at regular intervals.

Full copies of the Trust’s policies on Health and Safety, Data Protection and Child Protection are available from staff at any of our offices on request.

Cancellation policy

Cancellation by us

We reserve the right to alter or cancel an event if it is not safe to proceed. This is most likely in the event of extreme weather conditions. Leaders will make a decision on the day. Their decision is final. If we need to cancel the event we will offer a full refund (if applicable) or with your consent transfer your booking to another dates if places are available.

Cancellation by you

A full refund will be given up to 48 hours before the event; alternatively, we will transfer your booking to another date. Even if an event is free, we ask you to give us 48 hours' notice if you wish to cancel so that we can inform event leaders and offer others the chance to join the activity.


Your feedback is essential to help our organisation offer a consistent, quality service.  It allows us to identify areas to improve and develop the service we offer in the future. 

In the event of a customer being dissatisfied with any aspect of service they have received from the Greensand Trust:

  • In the first instance, the issue raised will be picked up by staff, discussed with the customer and an agreed plan of action made.
  • In the event of a complaint against a member of staff or regarding an issue not covered, customers are advised to contact the Greensand Trust Chief Executive, Gill Welham, on 01234 744590 or by email to [email protected]

Medical conditions

  • Event leaders need to determine, as far as possible, that participants are physically and mentally fit for that particular event.
  • By attending the event you accept that leaders will ask you to declare, in confidence, any relevant medical information that may affect your performance.

Attendance on events

  • Maximum numbers apply to all events for health and safety reasons and group enjoyment.
  • Places will be offered on a first come first served basis.
  • Where booking is advised, priority will be given to those booking in advance.

Terms and conditions and third parties

Where third parties are involved, additional terms and conditions may apply.